Issue with Install:
1. Check the install log file
2. It's located under the same directory as the setup file
3. Name: Log.txt
If Leonardo is using Port 80:
The default for Leonardo is port 81 so this will only happen if the customer changes the port
1. This may cause a conflict if PowerOlap Server is installed (Server uses port 80 by default)
2. If both are using port 80, change PowerOlap Server to 8080
Slice to Excel Requirements:
1. Has to be on PowerOlap Server
2. Server name must be in SQL table: DataSource
3. Has to be the same database name on PowerOlap as it is in Olation/Leonardo
Lack of IIS features:
Error: 404.17 Request content appears to be script…
1. Go over in server manger>Add roles and features>Server Roles> Web Server (or Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off)
2. Compare everything installed to picture below. (note: make sure everything is expanded down
ODBO Logging:
*Note: Logging should only be used for diagnosing issue, then turned off after. It will greatly affect performance*
The following needs to be created to enable logging under the Registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Olation
1. Create Folder ODBO
2. Under ODBO, create another Folder Logging
3. Inside Logging, create new Dword key Enabled
4. Set value to 1
*Set value to 0 to turn off logging*
Support Check List:
1. Check Olation.Make sure the db is loaded on to the server.
2. Make sure OlationProvider is installed and is the correct version (32 vs 64 bit. Should be thesame bit as Olation)
3. Open IIS, makesure OlationAppPool is set to a user that has rights to Leonardo SQL db
4. BrowseOlation_Provider to be sure that is working
5. Check license.The license ID can be found: Programs and Features > Leonardo > Change> Update License
6. Create a NewAnalysis (even if the datasource does not work)
7. View Errors belowand see if it matches any
Data Source Errors:
- Olation Provider URL needs to start with: http:// Default link should be: http://localhost:4386/
- Olation database is not loaded on the server
- Olation database is wrong name
- Olation Service is not running
- In IIS, OlationAppPool needs to be set to a user that has permission to Leonardo SQL db
-User set in OlationAppPool does not have permission to the Leonardo SQL db
- In IIS, under: Olation_Provider > Authentication. ASP.NET Impersonation needs to be disabled
- Olation Provider not installed
- Olation Provider Server link is wrong. Default link should be: http://localhost:4386/
- Some OlationProvider config has changed, can uninstall and reinstall. (remember to change OlationAppPool after install)
- Incorrect bit of Olation Provider. The bit of Olation Provider needs to match the bit of Olation (32 vs 64)
- OlationProvider Server link is wrong. Default link should be: http://localhost:4386/
- License issue
- XMLA on the Olation server license not enabled (AllowConnFromXMLA)